Sunday, May 17, 2009
What is Power???
The first thing that we focused on was Africa. The different parts of Africa and slaves that were shipped to America and other parts of the world. Mostly the white people had the power to take the Africans freedom away. The slaved were miss treated and if they tried to run away would either get killed or punished brutally. In 1884, Africa was divided into 4 parts. One of the reasons why African were the idea slaves was because there was an unlimited supply of them and they were resistant to white diseases.
The second reason is The World War 1 and 2. When WW1 finished, England had to borrow supplies and soldiers from USA just to fight. France had a heavy loss of manpower and everything was destroyed. Germany was defeated, the economy and government collapsed and they also had high inflation. Austria Hungry fell apart before the war even started. Russia pulls out of WW1 but started the Russia Revolution (1917). But USA was on top of the world. They had the greatest power, the economy profited and lots of people borrowed money from them. In WW2, the causes were the Treaty of Versailles failed, the League of Nations failed, the rise of fascism, appeasement, The German Aggression and the Japanese Aggression.
The last reason is the book that I read recently, The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games was about Katniss, a 16 year old girl from District 12. The Hunger Games is a game where 24 children have to fight till death and compete against each other. The victor gets an abundance of food and money as well as supplies. Katniss ends up winning the games but on the way to victory is challenges the Gamemakers. The Gamemakers are the people who control the arena. They can change the weather, start fires, droughts, monsoons, anything to make the games more interesting.
I think that power is the ability to control someone or something.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
What I Learnt from POP (even after we finished, the name still gives me the shivers...)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Net Effect of Globalization

According to the World Bank, Globalization is the growing integration of economies and societies around the world. The net effect of globalization is both positive and negative. The positive side is that the middle class becomes richer as globalization continues. Secondly, there are more job opportunities in undeveloped countries such as India, they are able to communicate with different people. And thirdly, people get to purchase products from other countries.
The negative side is that as the middle class get richer, the poorer people get poorer. The second example is that countries are losing their traditions. Take India for example, people are wearing more westernized clothes. The third reason is that many companies are "out sourcing". Out sourcing means that a company closes down in American and goes and opens in India because its cheaper. And because of this many Americans are losing their jobs.
So as you can see, there are both positive and negative effects of globalization.
Sunday, April 19, 2009

The main visuals are the mom and dad and little kid sitting in the middle of the picture. Eating dinner. The issue that this cartoon is showing is how instead of talking to each other like how we used to, we are now using computers to do that for us. This is another example of how technology is ruling our lives and taking OVER THE WORLD!!! The cartoonists opinion is that the kid is too lazy to tell his parents how his day was instead they have to check the internet to find out. The parents expression and what the kid said to his parents is a way of how the cartoonist showed how he/she feels.
This picture shows how we let technology run our lives. How we are so dependent of computers and laptops that we cant even talk to the people around us without bringing the internet or facebook or msn into the picture. Young people probably wouldn't be able to live a day without a computer. We have revolutionized in technology but for the worst. The fact that the family is having dinner and that is mostly the time when families sit around and talk to each other about their work day or school day, this makes it more persuasive. And how the "TELL" is underlined and in bold writing makes the writing more bold and clear.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Feedback About Technology
I think that AES should use computers and laptops more often. It should be a necessity that everyone has their own laptops. That way if someone damages or breaks a laptop, it'll be their own one and the school wouldn't have to pay for anything. Plus we probably wouldn't use paper as much as we use it now because we could send our paper in via email. Life would be so much easier...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Agreeing With Kurt Vonnegut
I agree with Kurt Vonnegut because we are the ones who are suppose to evolve not the computers. Technology has improves so quickly over the last few years but we have still stayed the same. I am a Luddite, I personally don't like using computers or laptops, I prefer to hand write or hand in a hard copy rather than sending via email.
In The Euphio Question, Lew and Fred had used the technology from space to make people happy. They broadcast a "hissing" sound over the radio and anyone near it would become happy and forget all problems. You didn't have to be in the room for the happiness to overcome you, the radiation would still get you. The conned people into buying land but the people are too happy to care. An unexpected blackout happened and Fred realized that the sound can hurt people and destroy lives, so he suggested that they exterminate the "hissing" sound. Lew on the other hand wanted to make millions and billions because one shot of the radiation and you didn't have a care in the world. Fred, out of anger, crushed the machine and destroyed it forever. Or so he thought. While talking to the Federal Communication Center, Fred was explaining to them that the sounds waves where bad and were taking over their lives, but Lew cleverly gave Fred a shot of the radiation and everyone went high.
I think what Kurt is trying to say; is that technology is taking over our lives. We are so obsessed with getting the latest gadgets that we are not living our lives the way we should be. Our grandparents keep saying, "That's not how we used to do it in the older days." But their right we have evolved but not for the best. We have become so preoccupied with discovering space and reinventing the Ipod that we don't even have time to think about our surroundings and what we are doing to the planet.
Hopefully we realized and notice the problem before its too late.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Feedback on goals!! 4th quarter
1) Getting over a B-.
2) Score higher than an 80% on my quizzes and tests.
3) Keep doing my homework the night it is given.
I did not manage to get over a B- but missed it and got a C+. My quizzes last quarter i did pretty badly on. I was doing well en at the beginning but then something happened and i started to go down hill... But i did do my homework the night it was given, and hope i keep doing that in the 4th quarter.
My new goals:
1) Get over a B and ask for help when needed.
2)Score higher than an 80% on my quizzes and tests.
3) Keep doing my homework the night it is given and work each week on the POP Project.